Photo: Happy New Year aka Resolutions part 2

Happy New Year.

In 2016, I resolve to visit the beach more often & make more art inspired by it & the treasures I gather when I’m there. Wishing you all peace, love & happiness in 2016.

So back in September at the start of the school year I made a few resolutions. Now we have hit the traditional time for resolutions, it’s time to look back at how I have done and add some new ones:

1. To give myself Fridays as personal development days: not always but I have definitely set aside more time to develop my own designs and promote myself as an artist/crafter. I took part in Manchester Craft Mafia‘s Free Art Friday.

2. To blog more: Seem to have averaged 1-2 a month which is not good enough but much better than the 2-3 per year I was hitting before. Hey, in 2014 I failed to blog at all.

3.  Zumba class: It only runs term time and think I have only missed 2 sessions. one due to illness and the other when I was running a workshop at Kirstie Allsopp’s Handmade Christmas Fair – which I think is a good enough excuse. I still haven’t bought proper trainers but my fake Converse seem to do me fine.

labelled-brooches_web4. My professional artist page on Facebook: I may not have been blogging like mad, but have been posting more on my new Crafty Wotnots Facebook page, sharing work in progress and promoting shows and workshops. So please ‘like’ it for more regular updates. I promise not to bombard you with sales pitches.

5. Crafty Wotnots website: yes, well, I have failed here. Am also still on the case plus trying to relaunch my Etsy shop which kind of goes hand in hand. I have been working on new branding/logo and am going to attend the Manchester Etsy Resolutions event to help move this forward. I am very cautious of not just doing this but doing this right.

These resolutions still stand and are ongoing. As January is traditionally quiet for my theatre projects, I am spending more time on Crafty Wotnots and developing new products. Following on from the Dionne Swift workshop, I treated myself to an embellisher so this year I resolve to develop my textile work using this and combine it with my mask making techniques. I have already started trying to keep my new resolution of developing beach inspired art. Let’s see what the rest of 2016 brings…