Photo: Emotionally Literate Design Sessions

Shocked & HappyOver the Spring term I have been running a series mask design sessions as part of the Emotionally Literate project for Aqueous Humour. I worked with Year 7 in Lever Park SEBD School in Bolton, The Willows youth group, 2 classes at Richmond Park KS3 PRU and 2 classes at Crossacres KS3 PRU.  The young people at these schools have been excluded from mainstream education for a variety of reasons, often violent and abusive behaviours towards their peers and adults working with them. These young people often have difficulty expressing themselves with clarity. Some have issues with anger and low self-image/esteem. This often means they find it extremely difficult to engage and function positively with others.

The aim of the project is to develop an affordable emotional literacy resource using masks for active/kinaesthetic learners. The purpose of the programme is to offer a tool to creatively explore emotional literacy as a barrier to learning. We have been running drama and design sessions as part of the research and development process of the project.

Please head over to the Aqueous Humour Community website to read my full blog post about the design sessions or to find out more about Emotionally Literate.