Photo: First MA Pecha Kucha

I had to do a Pecha Kucha as part of my MA. At Manchester School of Art. The design disciplines work together so although I am doing Textiles Practice, I would be presenting & feeding back on a broad spectrum of designers. My group contained graphics, illustration & sculpture. It was good to have critical feedback from fellow designers but as not necessarily specialists in my field, the need for clarity was important.

For those who don’t know, a Pecha Kucha is a presentation of 20 slides, each shown for 20 seconds. Simple, right? I had seen people present in this way at Pecha Kucha Manchester events at Manchester City Art Gallery but never done one myself.

First I created a grid of 20 boxes, a sort of storyboard to tell my tale. The first act my journey so far, next my current work and finishing with those I aim to be viewed beside. At first those 20 boxes looked daunting but in the end it was trying to work out what to drop that became the problem.

I received really constructive feedback. People were engaged & interested in my work but from the questioning after the presentation, it was clear that I needed greater clarity both in my descriptions to others but also for myself. After my Pecha Kucha, I felt it was important to clarify what it wasn’t as much as what it is.

Please view the slides from my Pecha Kucha below. Of course you don’t get my accompanying waffle but I hope you get a sense of my inspirations and direction my work is going.